In the field Tab-Width in the category Editor of the Options dialog box you can determine the width of a tab as shown in the editors. For each variable you have available the fields Name, Address, Type, Initial, and Comment. This table is arranged as a card-index box in which there are register cards for input, output, local, and input/output variables. If the option Declarations as tables in the Editor category in the Options dialog box is selected, then you can edit variables in a table instead of using the usual declaration editor. The Intellisense function is available in editors, in the Watch- and Receiptmanager and in the Sampling Trace. This means that if you insert a dot at a position where a identifier should be inserted, then a selection list will open, offering all global variables which are found in the project. If this option is activated, then the Intellisense functionality will be available.

Tabs are inserted to that the columns are uniformly divided.Operators written in small letters are shown in capitals.When you finish with a line, the following formatting is made: If the option Autoformat in the category Editor of the options dialog box has been chosen, then TwinCAT PLC Control executes automatic formatting in the IL editor and in the declaration editor. If you have chosen the Autodeclaration, then (following the input of a not-yet-declared variable) a dialog box will appear in all editors with which this variable can be declared. Suppress monitoring of complex types (array, pointer, VAR_IN_OUT).

You can make the following settings for the Editors: When activating an option, a check (ü) appears before the option. Each of the entries can be modified and is saved with the project. To User information belong the Name of the user, his Initials and the Company for which he works. User name and Password, as they might be inserted in the Login dialog for the ENI data base, will be saved with the project.
If the project has been modified and downloaded without creating a new boot project since the last download of a boot project, then a dialog will advise the user before leaving the project: "No boot project created since last download. The loading of a project at the start of TwinCAT PLC Control can also take place by entering the project in the command line. If you choose the option Auto Load, then at the next start of TwinCAT PLC Control the last open project is automatically loaded. You can visualize the project info with the command "Project" "Project info" and also process it. If you request the option Ask for project info, then when saving a new project, or saving a project under a new name, the project info is automatically called. The project is saved before each compilation. You can now decide whether you want to open the original file or the auto save file. When you open the file again the following message appears: due to a power failure), then the file is not erased. If for any reason TwinCAT PLC Control is not shut down "normally" (e.g. This file is erased at a normal exit from the program. If you choose the option Auto Save, then while you work your project is constantly saved to a temporary file with the extension ".asd" according to a set time interval (Auto Save Interval). In this way you can always restore the versions before the last save. If you choose the option Create Backup, then TwinCAT PLC Control creates a backup file at every save with the extension ".bak". When activating an option, a check appears before the option. Option dialog box of the category Load & Save

If you choose this category, then you get the following dialog box: If the runtime system is a bus controller, then the TwinCAT category will be replaced by these options: You have at your disposal the following categories:

Choose the desired category on the left side of the dialog box by means of a mouse click or using the arrow keys and change the options on the right side. The options are divided into different categories. With this command the dialog box for setting options is opened. The settings you make thereby are, unless determined otherwise, saved in the file "TwinCAT PLC Control.ini" and restored at the next TwinCAT PLC Control startup. For this you have the command "Project" Options" at your disposal. In TwinCAT PLC Control, however, you can configure the view of the main window (and have more than one viewpoint). About TwinCAT PLC Control there can be of course only one viewpoint.